Student Voice

This year our newly formed Student Forum has helped to amplify the student’s voices including them more fully in whole school decisions and ensuring we gain from their ideas and perspectives.

Around 35 students, one from all registration groups have met every 2 weeks to discuss issues raised by their peers.  

So far they have –

  • elected their own secretary and chairs, with junior and senior school pupils taking turns in these roles.  
  • been consulted as large groups and smaller groups on whole school, community and regional matters, meeting members from the community.
  • Some attended a trip to the Jedburgh campus to discuss our new school building.  
  • helped to plan and deliver assemblies
  • several have  received Saltire awards for their commitment to volunteering on the forum.

Their main concerns have been  – how to tackle bullying, the school toilets, how to reduce vaping amongst their peers and generally how to make the school feel a happier environment to learn in.